One face among the many, I never thought you cared.

Use your bed like a trampoline
I said,
"Higher, higher"
Just for love, if you know what I mean
I said, "Higher, higher!"
I'm what you de-sire, sire!
And I'm, gonna take you, higher - HIGHER!


Use your car like a hot machine
I said,
"Higher, higher"
Oh! Just for love, if you know what I mean
I said, "Higher, higher!"
I'm what you de-sire, sire!
And I'm, gonna take you
Higher, higher, higher
High (HIGH!)
High (HIGH!)
Higher, higher, higher
High (HIGH!)
High (HIGH!)
Higher, higher, higher
High (HIGH!)
High (HIGH!)

Higher - higher - higher - higher - higher - higher -
higher - higher - higher - higher - higher - higher!
Higher, whoa oh oh!

« TRAMPOLINE » - The Grates

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